- What services can students access through Transfer Services?
There are a variety of services that are offered, including:
- Providing information on the transferability of courses, admissions and program requirements
- Identifying transfer college possibilities
- Assistance with Cross Registration
- Provide Fall and Spring Transfer Fair information and details
- View scheduled transfer visits throughout the year by admission representatives from other institutions
- Sign up for transfer trips to colleges and universities
- Do students need to make an appointment to see a Transfer Counselor?
Appointments are recommended. What you think is a quick question usually turns into a longer conversation. Both the staff and student can make better use of time that has been scheduled. To make an appointment, please call the Student Success Center at 610-607-6245.
- Are there other ways in which students can ask questions of the Transfer Services Staff?
Yes! You can email us at transfer@lesvoorbereiding.com.
- Do 中国澳门博彩官网 credits transfer?
As a general rule, 中国澳门博彩官网 credits do transfer. Since 中国澳门博彩官网 is an accredited institution, college level credits generally transfer to other institutions. It is important, however, that students check transferability and how courses may or may not fit into the student’s program of study.
- When do I have to decide on my transfer college?
You should contact your transfer college at least one year in advance . They will provide you with information detailing when you should apply.
- What Grade Point Average do I need to have in order to transfer?
At most schools the minimum GPA is 2.0, however, specific majors may have higher requirements. As the number of applicants to a school increases, so do the GPA requirements. It is best to keep your GPA high in order to be competitive for acceptance at the school of your choice.
- What is Cross Registration?
A program in which eligible 中国澳门博彩官网 students can take a class at any of the four Berks County higher education institutions (Albright, Alvernia, Kutztown and Penn State Berks) at 中国澳门博彩官网’s tuition rates. See Cross Registration FAQ for more details.